Policies (old version)

Please read the following policies. Note, that by registering your skater(s) online with SPYHA, you agree to abide by these policies.


All skaters must be registered with SPYHA in order to participate in the current season. Registration can only be completed electronically. Families may register electronically at their convenience by following the instructions found at saukprairiehockey.com.

Skaters must register online with USA Hockey prior to registering with SPYHA.


Skaters whose initial fees are not paid by the start of the season will not be allowed to skate until payment is made. Registrations for returning skaters after the defined registration cut-off date will incur a $50 late registration fee.

Statements regarding outstanding fees will be periodically emailed. Payments can be made at any time, but all dues need to be paid in full by January 15. If the balance of fees owed is not received by this time, your skater will not be allowed to participate in team activities until full payment of the fees has been made.

If a family has a special circumstance, an alternative payment plan can be arranged by contacting Jeremy Gesicki at jeremy.gesicki@gmail.com.


In an initiative to promote the game of hockey, SPYHA will waive registration costs for the first season for any skaters that have never registered with a USA Hockey youth hockey program prior to that season.


Refunds are given only upon request. If any registered skater drops out of hockey before November 1st, a full refund can be received.

If the skater drops out between Nov. 1st and Jan. 31st, the refund is pro-rated. There will be no refunds given after Jan 31st.

If a player is moving to another hockey association, refunds are given if SPYHA is unable to field a team at his/her age level. Final refund decisions regarding players transferring to another hockey association are determined by majority vote of the SPYHA Board of Directors. Eligible refunds are disbursed 30 days from notification.


Hockey equipment is available to rent during the hockey season for a nominal fee. All costs associated with equipment rentals are separate from the registration fees. Although most of our equipment is sized for beginning skaters (6Uand 8U), we have some limited larger sizes available to Squirts and up.

A complete set (excluding stick, mouth guard, cup, leggings, and skates) can be rented for $40.00. 6U skaters are exempt from rental fees, although a post-dated check in the amount of $25 will be needed as a deposit (check returned at end of season). For equipment rentals at the 8U and above levels, any rental fees will be deposited in the SPYHA account. This money is used for future equipment upgrades. Questions about equipment can be directed to Tara Argall at trargall@uwalumni.com.

Last Updated 09/2023

SPYHA is a volunteer-based organization which depends almost entirely on member participation to operate. Without support from our families, we would simply not be able to provide hockey to our community. Each family with a skater 6U through Bantam/14U is required to work 12 hours of volunteer service each season. Families which only have a skater at the Learn to Play (LTP) level are exempt from the volunteer hours requirement. The board reserves the right to adjust the hour requirements, as needed, after registration.


Families are responsible for seeking and completing the required hours each season or having a Board-approved plan to meet the volunteer requirement. Volunteer opportunities are communicated via email, SPYHA newsletters, and on the SPYHA website. Questions regarding volunteer hours can be directed to a Board member.


  • Concessions Shifts - There will be many opportunities to complete volunteer hours in the concession stand during the months of October through March. Open concessions shifts will be posted on the SPYHA website (Volunteer Page).
  • Zamboni Driving - Volunteer hours can be satisfied by completing Zamboni shifts throughout the season. All Zamboni drivers must complete training and/or be authorized by the Zamboni Coordinator. Reference the SPYHA Zamboni Policy for more information on the requirements and conditions under which Zamboni driving may be utilized to satisfy volunteer hours.
  • Volunteer Lead/Coordinator Positions - Serving as a volunteer lead/coordinator satisfies the annual volunteer requirement. SPYHA relies on volunteers to fill many essential positions within the organization. These include, but are not limited to, Fundraising/Scrips Coordinator, Golf Outing Coordinator, Parade/Events Coordinator, Clothing Order Coordinator, Advertising Coordinator, Cow Chip Festival Coordinator, Floor Hockey Coordinator, Equipment Manager, Uniforms/Jerseys Manager, social media and Communications Coordinator, Team Manager Advisor, Team Photo Coordinator, and Snow Removal Coordinator. Reach out to a board member if you would be interested in learning more about available coordinator positions.
  • Coaching/Team Managers/Board Members - Serving as a head coach, assistant coach, team manager/rep, or SPYHA Board member satisfies the annual volunteer requirement. Each head coach may designate up to 2 assistant coaches and a team manager to exempt from volunteer requirements.
  • Off-Season Cleaning and Facility Improvements - There may be opportunities to complete volunteer hours in the off-season by helping with various cleaning and facility improvements projects. These opportunities will be communicated via email.


  • Game Day Duties/Off-ice Officiating Responsibilities (score-sheet, scoreboard operator, penalty box) - These activities are essential for your team to play games, and do not count towards the annual volunteer requirement.
  • Locker Room Monitoring - Teams are responsible for monitoring of locker rooms and changing areas during practices and games, as outlined in the SPYHA Locker Room Policy. This time does not count towards the annual volunteer requirement.
  • Individual/Team Fundraisers - SPYHA offers fundraising opportunities for families, primarily through participation in our Scrips program. Participation in the Scrips program or time spent on any other individual or team-led fundraiser (for example the Fall Decorations Fundraiser) does not count towards the annual volunteer requirement.
  • Tournament Volunteering - Teams may be provided the opportunity to host tournaments at SPYHA. Staffing of volunteers to support these tournaments (pre-season, in-season, post-season, and State) is the responsibility of the team hosting the tournament. Time spent volunteering in support of tournaments does not count towards the annual volunteer requirement unless previously approved by the SPYHA Board in writing.


Sauk Prairie Youth Hockey simply cannot function without the help of each and every member family.

For families with a skater at the PeeWee/12u level and below: It is expected that the volunteer hours required of each family be completed prior to the first State Tournament weekend each season (typically the first weekend in March).

For families with a skater at the Bantam/14U level: It is expected that the volunteer hours required of each family be completed prior to the weekend of Play-Downs each season (typically the first weekend in February).

Families which have not met these expectations may have their skater(s) declared ineligible for participation in team activities/games, including Playdown and/or State Tournament games. Families which do not complete their volunteer hours prior to the end of the season will not be allowed to participate in future association activities, including pre-season camps/clinics and Team Evaluations, until all outstanding volunteer obligations have been met. Families deemed to be in danger of not meeting their annual volunteer obligations may be contacted by a Board member or designee, however it is the responsibility of each member family to ensure their obligations are met.


The association does offer families the chance to buy-out their required volunteer hours. A family can choose to pay $420 to be exempt from working the required number of hours. This payment will be due at time of registration.

Last Updated 9/2023


At the beginning of each season, SPYHA will conduct formal evaluations for the 14U/Bantam, 12U/PeeWee, and 10U/Squirt age classifications for the purposes of forming teams when there are enough players to form more than one team at any given age classification. These evaluation sessions will focus both on individual skills and competitive situations. The individual skills will focus on hockey fundamentals, i.e. skating, stickhandling, shooting, and passing. The competitive situations will focus on game type situations including team play.

Evaluation sessions are closed for spectators - only the Zamboni driver, skaters being evaluated, the Hockey Director, on-ice instructors, off-ice evaluators, needed support staff (registration, jersey assignment, etc.) and those coaches and perspective coaches explicitly invited by the Hockey Director will be permitted in the rink during the evaluation sessions. Other parents, guardians, and family members will be asked to wait outside of the rink during the evaluation session. For skaters requiring assistance, parents will be allowed to accompany their skater to the locker room to facilitate getting dressed but must vacate the rink once the skater is ready to take the ice. SPYHA believes this closed environment format minimizes distractions for the skaters by allowing them to focus on the instruction of those leading the on-ice activities. The off-ice evaluators are selected by the Hockey Director and typically consists of 2 to 4 experienced hockey individuals.

Any skater that misses an evaluation session will be evaluated on the session(s) they did attend. Additional input from previous coaches, and the coaches of the current age classification may be considered. Skaters who miss evaluation sessions will be at a disadvantage in demonstrating improved skills and hockey ability from the prior season. After the first evaluation session for each age classification, skaters that the evaluators have clearly identified as making the upper team may be excused from attending future evaluation sessions. Any such players will be notified by the Hockey Director that they are not to attend future evaluation sessions for that season. This is so that the evaluators and Head Coach of the upper team can focus on those remaining players who are vying for limited “bubble” spot(s).


Following all evaluation sessions, primary team placements will be posted on the SPYHA website once available. These listings may not include all double and/or cross roster decisions as those decisions are usually finalized later in the process. When two or more skaters are evaluated as being similarly skilled during the evaluation process and they are vying for limited “bubble” spot(s) on an upper team, the Hockey Director will meet with the Head Coach of the upper team for purposes of picking the "bubble."

If after evaluations and team formations a team permanently loses a player due to season-ending injury, family relocations, or other circumstance, adjustments to teams may be made on a case-by-case basis. Each situation will be evaluated on the specific circumstances of that case and team adjustments may or may not be made. Any requested adjustments will be initiated by a Head Coach and/or the Hockey DIrector. Any roster adjustments must be completed by the December 31st Wisconsin Amateur Hockey Association (WAHA) deadline at which point rosters are locked and no further roster additions can be made.

SPYHA appreciates that some parents may want to know how the evaluation sessions went and areas their skater may need to improve on. We DO NOT provide that type of evaluation feedback following our evaluations. Evaluation placements represent where skaters are at in their development as a hockey player at that point in time. Development will continue to occur throughout the season, and at different rates for different skaters.


At the 14U/Bantam and 12U/PeeWee age classifications, skaters wishing to be evaluated as goalies should dress and attend their evaluation sessions as a goalie. An additional goalie evaluation session may be added should it be deemed necessary.

Unlike 14U/Bantam and 12U/PeeWee classifications, full-time goalies will not be designated at the 10U/Squirt age classifications. This allows other 10U/Squirt skaters to try the goaltender position during the season as well to encourage more interest in the goalie position in future years. At the 10U/Squirt age classifications, all participants should evaluate out as a skater for the first evaluation session and will be evaluated for their non-goalie skill sets for primary team placement. Any 10U/Squirt skaters wishing to be evaluated as goalies should dress and attend the second evaluation session as a goalie.

For the 14U/Bantam and 12U/PeeWee age classifications, SPYHA will place/roster no more than two designated goalies per team. At these age classifications, if one or more of the goalies evaluating is not designated as a full-time goalie for a team because the team has two designated goalies that evaluated higher, then the non-designated full-time goalie(s) would skate out for the season unless there is an injury or other extenuating circumstance that leads to a protracted absence of one of the designated full-time goalies. Non-designated full-time goalies at these age classifications would be allowed to attend SPYHA goalie practices and may be offered the opportunity to practice as a goalie with other team(s) at the same or adjacent age level if their goalie is missing for practice or they are seeking an additional goalie for a specific practice or practices in order to continue their development as a goalie.

Goalies will initially be placed based on their evaluation rank and not automatically placed due to low numbers. For example, if SPYHA is anticipating offering two teams at an age classification and there is only one goalie - that goalie will not automatically be placed on the upper team. The evaluators will provide a recommendation consistent with the skill demonstrated by the goalie during evaluations. In this example, if that recommendation was placement on the lower team, the Head Coach of the upper team would be offered the opportunity to determine if they would prefer to have a full-time goalie or if they would rather go through the season with either a “pass-the-bag” and/or six-skater approach. Likewise, if there are three goalies evaluating for placement on two teams, their evaluation rank would determine initial placement. In this example, the Head Coach of the upper team would then determine their optimal roster composition, including whether or not to take one or two full-time designated goalies.

Last Updated 9/2023


It is the Policy of SPYHA that each registered skater will play in his/her age level as set forth by USA Hockey rules. Returning skaters/goalies must initially register at the proper age level. However, there will be from time to time, requests for a player to play up an age level. These requests to play up will be an exception to the norm and will be evaluated by the SPYHA Hockey Director and Board of Directors on a case-by-case basis. The Association's needs (i.e. teams) shall take precedence over individual desires. For example, there may be a need to fill a roster of a higher age level team in order to field a team at that level and there may be a few players who would be prepared to play up for a season to assist the Association's/Team's needs. Additionally, there may be rare exceptions where playing up is in the best interest of a player's hockey development, although this must not come at the expense of severely weakening/not being able to field a team at the lower age level. The requirements of playing up are as follows:


If the number of players at a certain age level warrant, the Association may request skaters to play at a level higher than their current age level in order to accommodate reasonable team sizes. The request of players to play up will be made after registration when the number of players at any given age level is known. The player's placement will be based upon the criteria set in the player requested policy. Final decision(s) as to which players play up will be made based upon the player evaluation process. Association requests are on a voluntary basis and require consent of the Hockey Director, the player, and the parent(s) or guardian(s). If the player changes age levels and plays up at the request of the Association, they ARE NOT responsible for the difference in registration fees.


A parent or guardian of an Association player may request, in writing, an age level play up (10U to 12U, etc.). The Hockey Director will review the request and forward a recommendation to the Board of Directors, which will act on the request and recommendation. All requests will be reviewed and evaluated on merit with consideration of the following criteria:

  1. Will the team the player is leaving have enough players remaining?
  2. Does the Coach of the team the player requested to join need or want additional players?
  3. The player may only be one year away from moving to the level requested. For example a first year Squirt would not be allowed to play up to PeeWee.
  4. Does the player's ability fit the level requested?
  5. What is the opinion of the player's previous year coach?
  6. Requests will be handled in the order they are received.
  7. As a general rule, all written requests need to be submitted to the Hockey Director within two weeks after evaluations and initial team formation.

If a player's request to play up is granted, the parent or guardian making the request WILL BE responsible for the difference in registration fees.


Again, it is the policy of the SPYHA that each registered player will play in his/her age level as set forth by USA Hockey rules. However, there are instances in which SPYHA will allow a skater to play down an age level. Requests to play down are rare, are an exception to the norm, and will be evaluated by the SPYHA Hockey Director and Board on a case-by-case basis. Instances in which playing down will be considered include:


A skater may request to play down due to medical reasons. In these cases, a player must successfully petition WAHA to play down. Once the Association receives confirmation of WAHA's approval, the skater will be permitted to play down at the level petitioned for. Registration fees will be in accordance with the age level at which the skater is placed.


All returning skaters must register at the appropriate age level. First year/new to hockey skaters may request to play down at the time of player registration. In such instances, they will be placed at the U6 level for evaluation. After evaluation, a determination will be made to either keep the skater at U6 or move them to either U8 or the appropriate age level. In cases where 9-year-old or older skaters are placed at the U6 or U8 level, for safety reasons, they will not be allowed to participate in game play at the U6 or U8 level. Every attempt will be made to accelerate development of the skater to get them to the age-appropriate level that hockey season and the skater will likely be rostered on an age-appropriate team. The Hockey Director will determine when the skater moves to the age-appropriate team.

Last Updated 9/2023

Each season, a determination will be made on the appropriateness for a team to include skaters and/or a goalie on its roster from a lower age classification (double rostering). In general, double rostering is done to address a shortage of skaters and/or goalies and is not intended to give the opportunity for a player to “double-up” on ice time by routinely practicing or playing games for multiple teams. All roster decisions must be in compliance with USA Hockey and Wisconsin Amateur Hockey Association (WAHA) rules.


  1. A skater may be double rostered on a team at a level immediately above their age-appropriate level. For example a skater/goalie on a Squirt team could be double rostered on a Peewee team;
  2. A skater/goalie may not be rostered on more than one team at any age level (unless done within the parameters of the WAHA dual rostering rules for girls). For example, a skater/goalie may not be rostered on both a Squirt A and Squirt B teams;
  3. If the decision to double roster skater(s) or a goalie for a given team is made, the skater(s)/goalie to be double rostered will be determined as follows:
  4. The Head Coach of the team requesting double roster skater(s)/goalie will meet with the Hockey Director and indicate the number of double rosters desired and which individuals they would be willing to double roster;
  5. The Hockey Director will meet with the Head Coach of the lower age team and discuss the players requested for double roster spots;
  6. The Hockey Director and Coach of the team requesting the double roster(s) will meet with the parent(s) of the player(s) requested to be double rostered to review this policy, explain how the Coach intends to utilize the double roster(s), and seek consent to double roster their player(s);
  7. Upon receiving consent from the parents of the player(s) requested to double roster, the Hockey Director will submit a listing of double roster(s) by team to the SPYHA Board and then the Registrar will be directed to add those players to the official rosters no later than November 10.
  8. Rosters, including double roster decisions, must be finalized by the WAHA deadline (December 31st). After this deadline, a skater is not permitted to participate on a given team unless the skater is on that team's official roster, unless a special dispensation has been granted by WAHA;
  9. A player must play at least 5 games with a team between November 1st and the team's first playdown game to be eligible to play for that team in Playdowns and/or the State Tournament should that team qualify for State;
  10. A double rostered player's main obligation is to their primary team. A skater may not compete for the team they are double rostered on unless participation in that game or games has been agreed to by the Head Coach of the player's primary team;
  11. The intent of double rostering is not to give a skater or goalie additional ice time on a permanent basis, but to assist teams with a shortage of skaters and/or a goalie. Double rostered players should routinely practice with their primary team, and are only allowed to practice with their double rostered team in those weeks in which they are needed to address a shortage and the Head Coach of their Primary Team has agreed to allow them to compete with the double rostered team that weekend;
  12. When utilizing double rostered players, the following requirements are to be followed:
  13. The need to utilize a double rostered player must be determined based on a shortage or on the need to have the skater play 5 games for the team in order to make the player eligible for Playdowns and/or State. Utilizing double roster players for games will not be permitted for other reasons;
  14. Every effort should be made to provide a reasonable amount of lead time when requesting to utilize a double rostered player; and
  15. If more than one skater is double rostered for a given team, every effort should be made to provide an equal opportunity for them to play when needed, such as establishment of a rotation.

Last Updated 9/2023

The Wisconsin Amateur Hockey Association (WAHA) allows for girls to be rostered on two teams within their appropriate age classification, so long as one of those teams is a girls only team. This is known as cross rostering. In general, cross rostering is intended to provide an opportunity for girls to experience girls only hockey.

Each Association determines whether or not they are going to allow cross rostering, it is not mandatory that an Association offering both youth and girls only teams allow for cross rostering. SPYHA does currently allow for cross rostering. All cross-roster decisions made by SPYHA will be within the roster parameters and rules as set forth by WAHA. WAHA cross rostering rules require SPYHA to consider these requests on a case-by-case basis. To distinguish how cross rostering applies to a specific skater, SPYHA needs to define the difference between internal cross rosters and external cross rosters for this policy.


For purposes of this policy:
Internal Cross Roster is defined as any girl that wants to play both girls only and youth that:
  • Resides with the WAHA approved SPYHA territory boundaries;
  • Resides within un-districted territory adjacent to the WAHA approved SPYHA territory boundaries and the first roster they were ever listed on was with a SPYHA team;
  • Has been granted a release to SPYHA from their home Association; or
  • Is designating a girls only team as their primary team and their home Association does not offer a girls only option at their appropriate age classification

External Cross Roster is defined as any girl that wants to play both girls only and youth that is designating a youth team as their primary team and:
  • Resides inside of the WAHA approved territory boundaries of an Association other than SPYHA; or
  • Resides within un-districted territory adjacent to the WAHA approved SPYHA territory boundaries and the first roster they were ever listed on was with another Association.



Skaters are to evaluate for both classifications they intend to skate at. For instance, a 12U internal cross roster would attend SPYHA evaluation sessions for both Girls 12U and PeeWee. An external 12U cross roster would attend the SPYHA 12U Girls evaluation sessions.


When made, placements will generally be made based on evaluations. Cross roster decisions are also subject to the discretion of the Head Coach of a particular team:

  • The Head Coach will determine if and how many cross-roster skaters they take, knowing that these skaters will not always be available for games and that there are WAHA cross roster rules regarding roster construction; and
  • The Head Coach utilizing cross roster skaters will conduct a team meeting after teams have been formed and inform the team how they intend to utilize the cross-roster skaters. Utilization of cross roster skaters may (and probably will) vary from team to team and season to season.

Additionally, due to WAHA Cross Rostering parameters and rules, there may be instances where cross rostering placements have to be adjusted to satisfy these rules or where SPYHA is unable to accommodate all cross-rostering requests for a particular age classification and/or season.


Internal Cross Roster
  • Primary team: The fee is set at the standard SPYHA rate for that age classification.
  • Secondary team:
  • If a SPYHA team - no additional cost
  • If a non-SPYHA team - determined by the Association hosting that team

External Cross Roster
  • Primary team: Determined by the Association hosting that team
  • Secondary team:
  • 50% of the normal SPYHA rate for that age classification
  • Also responsible for 50% of SPYHA volunteer requirements

As the intent of cross rostering is different from double rostering (which is to protect against a shortage), cross roster skaters are encouraged to attend all practices and games with their secondary team when it does not conflict with any obligations to their primary team.

Last Updated 9/2023

In addition to the development of our hockey players and enjoyment of the sport of hockey, the safety and protection of our participants is essential to Sauk Prairie Youth Hockey Association (SPYHA) goals. SPYHA adheres to USA Hockey's SafeSport Program as a means to help protect its participants from physical abuse, sexual abuse and other types of misconduct, including emotional abuse, bullying, threats, harassment and hazing. To help prevent this from occurring in our locker rooms, SPYHA has adopted the following locker room policy according to WAHA's (Wisconsin Amateur Hockey Association) recommendations. This policy is designed to maintain personal privacy as well as to reduce the risk of misconduct in locker rooms.

At the Sauk Prairie Area Recreation Center Ice Arena, there are 5 locker rooms available for our program's use - 4 on the main floor numbered 1 through 4, and one upstairs. There is an additional, separate referee locker room. None of the locker rooms have their own or shared restrooms. Shower facilities are available in Locker Room #1 only. Where there are multiple teams (A & B) at the 10U and older age levels that share practice ice, each team will have their own locker room so that coaches can address any items or issues specific to that team with the team and/or parents as necessary.


SPYHA has limited use of locker rooms and changing areas (generally 30-45 minutes before and following practices and games). This allows for direct and regular monitoring of locker room areas.

We conduct a sweep of the locker rooms and changing areas before players arrive, and Participants are not allowed to enter the locker rooms unless the Coach or a Coach approved monitor is present in the locker room. Violation of this rule can result in the player losing their privileges and will result in the player having to dress before arriving at the rink.

A coach or voluntary locker room monitor (monitors must be Safe Sport qualified) will be posted directly inside of the locker rooms and changing areas during periods of use, and leave the doors open only when adequate privacy is still possible, so that only participants (coaches and players), approved team personnel, and family members are permitted in the locker room. Team personnel will also secure the locker room appropriately during times when the team is on the ice.


Except for players at the younger age groups (6U & 8U), we discourage parents from entering locker rooms unless it is truly necessary. If a player needs assistance with his or her uniform or gear, if the player is or may be injured, or a player's disability warrants assistance, then we ask that parents let the coach know beforehand that he or she will be helping the player.

Naturally, with our youngest age groups it is necessary for parents to assist the players getting ready for practice or games. We encourage parents to teach their players, as young as possible, to put their gear on and take it off independently. In circumstances where parents are permitted in the locker room, coaches may request the parents leave so that game strategy can be discussed with the players. As players get older, parent admittance to the locker room will be at the coach's sole discretion.


Some of our teams consist of both male and female players. It is important that the privacy rights of all of our players are given consideration and appropriate arrangements made. If requested, SPYHA will make available separate locker rooms for male and female players to dress/undress, and then convene in a single locker room before and after the game, practice or team meeting. When separate locker rooms are not requested, male and female players will be expected to have a base layer of clothing on at all times. Minimum base layer is defined as compression shorts/jock shorts for males and compression shorts/jill shorts and sports bra or athletic top for females.


Cell phones and other mobile devices with recording capabilities, including voice recording, still cameras and video cameras, are not permitted to be used in the locker rooms. If phones or other mobile devices must be used, they should be taken outside of the locker room. Should this become a problem, it is permissible to have a coach or team manager collect phones prior to entering the locker room.


SPYHA prohibits all types of physical abuse, sexual abuse, emotional abuse, bullying, threats, harassment, and hazing, all as described in the USA Hockey SafeSport Handbook. Participants and volunteers in SPYHA may be subject to disciplinary action for violation of these locker room policies or for engaging in any misconduct or abuse that violates the USA Hockey SafeSport Policies. Reports of any actual or suspected violations should be emailed to USA Hockey at SafeSport@usahockey.org or reported by calling 1-800-888-4656.

Reports of any actual or suspected violation of this policy will result in the Association being fined $500 and disciplinary action taken against the coach.

SPYHA appreciates everyone's cooperation and consideration of this Locker Room Policy. Any questions or concerns should be directed to the current SPYHA President.

Last Updated 10/2023


Sauk Prairie Youth Hockey supports the USA Hockey Zero Tolerance policy as it relates to conduct by coaches, players, parents, and fans in the sport of youth hockey. It is our hope that by enforcing this policy, everyone has a pleasant youth athletic experience.


(To be reviewed and signed at the beginning of season team meeting by skaters and parents as a member of a SPYHA team, participating in USA Hockey for the current season.)

  1. No swearing or abusive language on the bench, in the rink, or at any team function.
  2. No lashing out at any official no matter what the call is. The coaching staff will handle all matters pertaining to officiating.
  3. Anyone who receives a penalty will skate directly to the penalty box.
  4. Fighting will not be tolerated.
  5. There will be no drinking, smoking, chewing of tobacco or use of illegal substances at any team function.
  6. Players will conduct themselves in a befitting manner at all facilities (ice rink, hotel, restaurant, etc.) during all team functions.
  7. There will be no Horseplay in the locker rooms or any area of the rink. This includes throwing objects, fighting, pushing, wrestling, etc.
  8. Show respect at all times:
  9. No derogatory comments or Hazing
  10. No Ethnic, Racial, Sexual comments or behavior.
  11. No Profanity or Profane gestures.
  12. Be ready on time for practice and games.
  13. Listen to coaches and parents when addressed individually or as a group.
  14. Keep areas clean - pick up trash in locker rooms and other areas
  15. Players will be held responsible for any destruction of property.
  16. Do not take items that do not belong to you, give them to a coach or parent.
  17. Don't linger in the locker rooms. The Locker Room is a place to get ready, to learn, or a place to get dressed.
  18. No cell phone cameras, mp3 cameras, video, or camera equipment of any kind in the locker room. Locker rooms are for changing - not taking pictures. Players who take pictures in the locker room are subject to suspension.
  19. No weapons of any kind are permitted at any SPYHA practice, game, or event.
  20. In the presence of members of the opposite sex, all undergarments need to be covered. If a skater needs to change to anything less than this, it must be done where no members of the opposite sex are present (i.e. Bathroom).
  21. Violations of this policy will result in disciplinary actions or sanctions that include, but are not limited to verbal reprimands, written reprimands, games suspensions, season suspensions, and (in extreme cases) termination from the WYHA with no refund for season fees. Recommendations on any violations will come from the Head Coach. Individual appeals will be conducted following the WYHA Appeal Procedure.


(To be reviewed and signed at the beginning of season team meeting by parents as a member of a SPYHA team, participating in USA Hockey for the current season.)

  1. Encourage your child to play by the rules. Remember, children learn best by example, so applaud the good plays of both teams.
  2. Do not embarrass your child by yelling at players, coaches or officials. By showing a positive attitude toward the game and all its participants, your child will benefit.
  3. Emphasize skill development and practices and how they benefit your young athlete. De-emphasize games and competition in the younger age levels.
  4. Know and study the rules of hockey and support the officials on and off the ice. This approach will help in the development and support of the game. Any criticism of the officials only hurts the game.
  5. Applaud a good effort in both victory and defeat and enforce the positive points of the game. Never yell or physically abuse your child after a game or practice. It is destructive. Work toward removing physical and verbal abuse in youth sports.
  6. Recognize the importance of volunteer coaches. They are important to the development of your child and the sport. Communicate with them and support them.
  7. If you enjoy the game, learn all you can and dedicate time as a volunteer!


  1. Display good sportsmanship. Always respect players, coaches and officials.
  2. Act appropriately; do not taunt or disturb other fans. Enjoy the game together.
  3. Cheer good plays of all participants, avoid booing opponents.
  4. Cheer in a positive manner and encourage fair play; profanity and objectionably cheers or gestures are offensive.
  5. Help provide a safe and fun environment; throwing objects on the ice surface can cause injury to players and officials.
  6. Do not lean over and pound on the glass; the glass surrounding the ice surface is part of the playing area.
  7. Support the referees and coaches by trusting their judgment and integrity.
  8. Be responsible for your own safety and remain alert to help prevent accidents.
  9. Respect locker rooms as private areas for players, coaches and officials.
  10. Be supportive after the game, win or lose. Recognize good effort, teamwork and sportsmanship.


(To be reviewed and signed at the beginning of season coaches meeting by coaches as a member of a SYHA, participating in USA Hockey for the current season.)

  • Never verbally or physically abuse a player, official, parent, spectator or other coach.
  • Care more about the child than winning the game--winning is a consideration, but not the only one, nor the most important one.
  • Be concerned with the overall development of your players. Stress good health habits and clean living.
  • Give all players the opportunity to improve their skills, gain confidence, and develop self-esteem.
  • Adjust to each player's personal needs and challenges. Be a good listener.
  • Encourage all your players to be team players.
  • Be a positive role model to your players, display emotional maturity and be alert to the physical safety of your players.
  • Be generous with your praise when deserved, be consistent, honest, fair and just.
  • Never criticize players publicly.
  • Maintain an open line of communication with your players and their parents.
  • Reinforce the goals and objectives of SPYHA.
  • Teach the basics, continue to study and learn the game to become a better coach and communicator.
  • Know the rules, techniques, and strategies of hockey.
  • Organize practices that are challenging and fun for your players.
  • Encourage equal playing time for all skaters
  • Follow all USA Hockey Coaching Requirements
  • Follow the Wisconsin Concussion Law and SPYHA guidelines.
  • Never be under the influence of Drugs or Alcohol while coaching any game or practice.

As a coach, you will be held accountable for your actions both on and off the ice. As a member of Sauk Prairie Youth Hockey, you represent our teams and association at practices, games, hotels, restaurant, etc. SPYHA expects you to conduct yourself in a sportsmanlike manner at all times and to observe the following coach's rules:

  • Respect - You are to show respect at all times for coaches, officials, players, spectators and opponents. Do not argue with referees, linesman, timekeepers, scorekeepers, spectators or coaches. Disrespect will not be tolerated and will result in appearing before the Discipline Committee.
  • Property/Equipment Damage - Intentionally damaging SPYHA equipment and or facilities will result in appearing before the Discipline Committee.
  • Profanity - ZERO TOLERANCE. Use of profanity is strictly prohibited on the ice, in locker rooms, hotels, restaurants while representing SPYHA. The first violation of this policy will result in a verbal warning. A second violation will result in a one (1) game suspension. The SPYHA Executive Board shall determine the penalty for repeated violations.
  • Conduct on the ice - If a coach receives a misconduct or a game misconduct, the coach will be suspended for one (1) game immediately following a report to the SPYHA Board per USA/WAHA rules.
  • Other inappropriate behavior - will be handled in accordance with the Discipline Policies & procedures.


In an effort to make ice hockey a more desirable and rewarding experience for all participants, the USA Hockey Youth, Junior, and Senior Councils have instructed the Officiating Program to adhere to certain points of emphasis relating to sportsmanship. This campaign is designed to require all players, coaches, officials, league officials and administrators to maintain a sportsmanlike and educational atmosphere before, during and after all USA Hockey sanctioned events. Thus, the following points of emphasis must be implemented by all on-ice referees and linesman:

A minor penalty for unsportsmanlike conduct (Zero Tolerance) shall be assessed whenever a player:

  1. Openly disputes or argues any decision by an official.
  2. Uses obscene or vulgar language at any time, including any swearing, even if it is not directed at a particular person.
  3. Visually demonstrates any sign of dissatisfaction with an official's decision.

Any time that a player persists in any of these actions, they shall be assessed a misconduct penalty. A game misconduct shall result if the player continues with such action.

A minor penalty for unsportsmanlike conduct (Zero Tolerance) shall be assessed whenever a coach:

  1. Openly disputes or argues any decision by an official.
  2. Uses obscene or vulgar language in a boisterous manner to anyone at any time.
  3. Visually displays any signs of dissatisfaction with an official's decision including standing on the boards or standing in the bench doorway with the intent of inciting the officials, players, or spectators.

Any time that a coach persists in any of these actions, they shall be assessed a game misconduct penalty.


The above constitutes the USA Hockey "Zero Tolerance" policy in its entirety. SPYHA extends the policy to include parents and spectators at SPYHA events. Should a parent or spectator violate the above standards, their team may be assessed a bench minor for unsportsmanlike conduct. Should the parent or spectator persist in such actions, the game may be halted until they can be removed from the rink.

In addition, SPYHA will investigate all situations involving parent/fan violations of the "Zero Tolerance Policy". If the situation was found to be a violation of the policy, a warning letter will be issued from the Board of Directors to the offending person or persons. This letter will outline the offense and stipulate possible consequences for any further violations. These stipulations could include, but are not limited to, verbal reprimands, written reprimands, games suspensions, season suspensions, and (in extreme cases) termination from the SPYHA with no refund for season fees. Individual appeals will be conducted following the SPYHA Appeal Procedure (see Discipline Policy for details).

Last Updated 9/2023


The Discipline Committee will consist of the Hockey Director, Disciplinary Chair and at least two of the following: President, Vice President, Past President, Treasurer, Secretary or Board member. No committee member involved in the complaint or with a child on a team from which the complaint originated shall serve on the committee.


Identifying and addressing a problem or concern is not always easy. Therefore, we have established this procedure in order to resolve conflicts/issues as well as to appeal disciplinary decisions.


  1. SPYHA encourages parents to take the initiative in resolving conflicts that they or their player may have with other team members, parents, and/or coaches, via respectful communication directly with those involved. Any conflicts or violations of the code of conduct may also be reported to the Disciplinary Chair.
  2. If the issue cannot be resolved in step 1, the team manager is the first line of official communication for all parents and players. The complaint must be presented to the team manager who should notify the Hockey Director & Disciplinary Chair for information purposes only.
  3. If the problem is such that the team manager is unable to resolve the conflict, it should be escalated to the Disciplinary Chair for resolution. The Disciplinary Chair may seek advice from appropriate Head Coach, Hockey Director and/or SPYHA officers for assistance with coming to a proposed resolution.
  4. The matter may be brought to a formal Discipline Committee only under the following circumstances:
  5. As a last resort in resolving an issue, the Disciplinary Chair may formally bring the matter to the Discipline Committee.
  6. The individual(s) against whom the complaint has been filed may appeal the decision to a formal Discipline Committee. The appeal complaint must be submitted to the President and Vice President in writing.
  7. When SPYHA receives a letter from SPAHA requesting a response to a zero-tolerance violation by a coach, player, parent, or fan.
  8. The Discipline Committee will review the matter in a reasonable time frame (usually within 48-96 hours after notification) and provide next steps for the parties involved.
  9. If requested, the individual(s) against whom the complaint has been filed shall appear before the Discipline Committee and be asked to respond to the matter.
  10. The Discipline Committee, acting in the best interest of SPYHA, will further investigate the complaint as deemed appropriate and are authorized to enforce disciplinary actions as appropriate. These actions may include written warnings and/or temporary and/or permanent suspension from the program.
  11. All actions taken by the Discipline Committee will be communicated only to the individuals involved during a closed session or by an official letter or email.

Last Updated 9/2023

The definition of social media includes internet mediums, websites, apps etc. that allow users to communicate online. Such media includes (but is not limited to) Facebook, Instagram,TikTok, X (formerly Twitter), Snapchat, personal email, and others.

This policy applies to all Board Members, officers, officials, parents, volunteers, and players of Sauk Prairie Youth Hockey.

Social media plays an important role in our community and our Association. SPYHA respects the right of all Association teams, players, officers, and families to express their views and support for the organization publicly. It is expected that all SPYHA members will conduct their social media use (with respect to the Association) in an appropriate, professional, and respectful manner.

Posts, comments, remarks of an inappropriate or offensive nature will not be tolerated and will be subject to disciplinary action. Intellectual property of the Association (such as team logos, pictures, and graphic artwork) must likewise be used in a respectful and professional manner.


The following are examples of conduct through social media and networking mediums that are considered violations of the SPYHA Social Networking Policy and may be subject to disciplinary action by the SPYHA Board of Directors.

  • Statements deemed to be critical of SPYHA volunteers (or officials) or detrimental to the welfare of a player, Team, or the Association.
  • Negative or derogatory comments about a team (including opposing teams or players), league, programs, stakeholders/sponsors, players, or any member of SPYHA.
  • Any form of bullying, harassment or threats against players or officials. This includes emailing of a harassing nature to/from Board Members, Team Officers, SPYHA members and staff, on-ice and off-ice officials, players, players' family members and supporters.
  • Posting photos, videos (including LiveBarn clips) with intent to single out individual players, officials, or teams without receiving advance permission.
  • Photographs, videos, or comments promoting negative influences or criminal behavior, including but not limited to: drug use, alcohol abuse, public intoxication, hazing, sexual exploitation, etc.
  • Inappropriate, derogatory, racist, or sexist comments of any kind.


SPYHA will investigate reported violation(s) of this policy. If a violation is determined to have occurred, SPYHA will impose an appropriate punishment in accordance with the Association Code of Conduct and Discipline Policies.

Last Updated 9/2023


Any Youth Association Adult (18 and older) is eligible to volunteer as a Zamboni driver. SPHYA offers opportunities to serve as a full-time driver (primary source of volunteer hours) or a part-time driver (secondary source of volunteer hours.)

SPYHA drivers are responsible to report any maintenance or safety issues/incidents to the SPYHA Zamboni Scheduler as soon as an issue has been identified.

With the exception of formal Zamboni Training, only one operator is allowed on the Zamboni during operation (no passengers.)

Sauk Prairie High School Teams will be responsible to provide drivers for High School practices and games. High School drivers will follow SPYHA Training Policies and Procedures but will be responsible for administering a separate schedule.


Only drivers trained and certified by SPYHA Staff are permitted to operate the SPYHA Zamboni. Training will be scheduled and conducted by approved SPYHA Training Staff, with the coordination of the SPYHA Zamboni Scheduler. Volunteers will be trained via the formal Zamboni Training Program to a high level of proficiency and safety. The Training Program typically requires four to five sessions of supervised training (these training sessions count towards annual volunteer requirements).

Additional training will be scheduled at the request of a volunteer or if a situation occurs requiring corrective training (i.e. safety incident.)


SPYHA Zamboni Scheduling does not utilize the SPYHA Volunteer Program via the SPYHA Portal.

The SPYHA Zamboni Scheduler maintains a separate online, interactive schedule and volunteer tracking tool. Monthly schedules will be posted no later than one week prior to the beginning of any given month. Only events requiring a resurfacing will be posted on the schedule. Times listed on the schedule indicate the time the event begins (or rather when the ice should be completed and the Zamboni doors closed.) Drivers should expect to begin resurfacing 15 minutes prior to the times listed on the schedule.

Because of the variable time nature of ice resurfacing, SPYHA calculates satisfaction of Volunteer Requirements on sheets of ice completed (Volunteer Credits) instead of Volunteer Hours. Full-time drivers are expected to complete 30 sheets of Qualified Ice during a full Youth season to satisfy Volunteer Requirements.

A Qualified Sheet of Ice is any event hosted at the SPARC that is not classified as a Weekday Youth Practice. Qualified Ice status will be listed on the Zamboni Schedule. Every sheet of Qualified Ice completed is worth 1 Volunteer Credit (for example: Youth Bantam Games require two sheets of ice, one prior to game start and one between the 2nd and 3rd periods; these events are worth 2 Volunteer Credits.)

Drivers are responsible to notify the Zamboni Scheduler if unable to accomplish a previously scheduled Zamboni event:

If the event is one week or more in the future – Driver will remove his/her name from the schedule and notify the Zam Scheduler

If less than seven days in future – Driver is responsible to find a replacement volunteer (i.e. send an email to the Zamboni Driver Distro List and confirm a replacement

Occasionally, Zamboni or rink maintenance requires SPYHA Staff to conduct a resurfacing outside of the normal scheduling process. If a driver is not notified and reports to the SPARC for a scheduled event to find the ice has been resurfaced, that driver will still receive all credits owed.

Once a driver has completed his/her annual Volunteer Requirements, each additional Qualified Sheet of Ice a driver completes will pay $5.00 of Association Credit towards the following year’s Association Registration Dues.

Special events hosted at the SPARC (such as Ultimate Hockey Tournament events) are eligible for both Volunteer Credits as well as $5.00 Association Credit (regardless if Annual Volunteer Credits are met). The SPYHA Zamboni Schedule will reflect these available credits.

Part-time drivers are eligible to earn $5.00 of Association Credit for every Qualified Sheet of Ice completed.

Last Updated 9/2023


In 2023, USA Hockey and Wisconsin Amateur Hockey Association established a Concussion Management Program in accordance with Wisconsin State law as amended to include Wisconsin Act 172 relating to concussions and other head injuries sustained in youth athletic activities. The Wisconsin Amateur Hockey Association is requiring all member clubs to comply with the WHA program and Wisconsin state law.

To be in compliance with the new law, all Sauk Prairie Youth Hockey Association parents, skaters and coaches should take the time to learn the importance of recognizing and responding to the signs, symptoms, and behaviors of a concussion or head injury.

2023 USA Hockey Concussion Management Program

WAHA Concussion Information & Protocol


SPYHA takes concussions very seriously and has adopted USA Hockey’s Concussion Management Program in an effort to comply with both national and state regulations regarding concussion management. If in doubt, err on the side of caution and submit a report for a suspected concussion.

Parents should understand both the USAH Concussion Management Program and the Wisconsin Act 172 pertaining to concussions. During registration, parents are required to acknowledge their understanding of the concussion rules and the steps SPYHA, its coaches, and the parents/guardians must take if a concussion is suspected as part of the registration process.

In the case of a suspected concussion by a coach, or one diagnosed by a physician, the player will not be allowed to return to the ice per Wisconsin law. The skater is required to seek medical attention and will not be allowed to play or practice with the team until medical clearance is obtained.

WAHA Concussion Facts Sheet (For Parents)

WAHA Concussion Facts Sheet (For Coaches)


A concussion is a type of traumatic brain injury that interferes with normal functioning of the brain (changes how the cells in the brain normally work). A concussion can be caused by a bump, blow, or jolt to the head or body. Basically, any force that is transmitted to the head causing the brain to literally bounce around or twist within the skull can result in a concussion. Over 90% of concussions do not involve loss of consciousness. It is important to note that a concussion can happen to anyone in any sport or athletic activity. Concussions affect people in four areas of function:

  • Physical - This describes how a person may feel: headache, fatigue, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, etc. Children might describe this as seeing stars or having sensitivity to light and noise.
  • Thinking - Poor memory and concentration, responds to questions more slowly, asks repetitive questions. Concussion can cause an altered state of awareness. Children might say they're having brain fog or feeling spacey and slow.
  • Emotions - A concussion can make a person more irritable and cause mood swings.
  • Sleep - Concussions frequently cause changes in sleeping patterns, which can increase fatigue.


  1. In the event of a suspected concussion, the Coach and/or Parent should complete the SPYHA Concussion Symptoms Form and submit to the SPYHA Safety Officer. The form can be completed in one of two ways:

    SPYHA Concussion Symptoms Online Form - automatically submits to the SPYHA Safety Officer when you click submit.


    SPYHA Concussion Symptoms PDF Form – attach a copy of the completed paper form in an email and send to SYPHA Safety Officer at Safety@saukprairiehockey.com.
  2. The injured player must be evaluated by healthcare provider with experience in pediatric concussion management.
  3. Please contact SPYHA Safety Officer if further assistance is required. (Safety@saukprairiehockey.com)
  4. Once player has been evaluated, send written clearance notice from the health care provider to SPYHA Safety Officer at Safety@saukprairiehockey.com.
  5. SPYHA Safety Officer will then inform the SPYHA Board and head coach that player may return to play and relay any necessary restrictions as outlined by the medical professional.


It is the policy of SPYHA that any injury requiring the medical attention of a physician that prohibits the player from playing the game or practice of any duration will require the physician to sign a return to play release allowing the injured player to return to the ice to play or practice the game of hockey.

The release will give the date at which they are allowed to return and must be signed by the treating physician. Any guidelines or limitations that the physician requires regarding the return of the player must be outlined on the signed release form.


  1. In the event of a non-concussion injury, the player's parent should complete the SPYHA Injury Reporting Form and submit to the SPYHA Safety Officer. This is an online form that upon completion will automatically notify the SPYHA Safety Officer.
  2. Once player has received written clearance notice from their health care provider, please email a copy of the release with any return to play limitations to SPYHA Safety Officer at Safety@saukprairiehockey.com.
  3. SPYHA Safety Officer will then inform the SPYHA Board and head coach that player may return to play and relay any necessary restrictions as outlined by the medical professional.

Last Updated 10/2023


Beginning in 2023 SPYHA will be utilizing an electronic GameSheet app called GameSheet that is loaded onto the SPYHA iPad Managers/Teams are provided a SPYHA owned iPad for season use.


The focus of the iPad program for SPYHA is to provide tools and resources necessary to SPYHA team communications and game scoring (via Game Sheet) to the SPYHA Team Managers.

The team manager is responsible for care and good judgment when using iPads and as such are required to adhere to the following Acceptable Use Policies that are specific to the iPad.

  1. The iPad is assigned to the team manager for the duration of the assigned hockey season, as defined by SPYHA. The iPad must be surrendered to SPYHA in appropriate working condition by the posted "turn in" date or at the request of the SPYHA Board of Directors or designee (i.e., Team Manager Lead).
  2. No application or other software will be installed on a SPYHA iPad without authorization of the SPYHA Board of Directors or designee (i.e., Team Manager Lead).
  3. The iPad is sensitive to moisture and extreme heat. It must not be left in a car or location where it will be damaged and must be kept dry and away from sources of water such as sinks, bathtubs, and pools.
  4. Every effort will be made to prolong the condition of the iPad. For example, to extend the battery life of the iPad, do not constantly charge it. It is best to let the battery drain before recharging.
  5. Any physical damage, intentional or not, to the iPad will be reported to the SPYHA Board or designee immediately. A $49 AppleCare fee may be assessed to the user in order to repair the damage.
  6. The iPad, charger cable, & block must be returned at season end. Managers will be invoiced the price of $350 for unreturned iPad, $20 for unreturned charging cables and $20 for unreturned charging blocks.

Last Updated 10/2023

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